News: Try online version of dhvani TTS here
News: Dhvani 0.95 is available now.
dhvani is a text to speech system designed for Indian Languages. The aim of this project is to ensure that literacy and knowledge of English are not essential for using a Computer. We hope that it will reduce the digital divide and will be helpful for the visually challenges users as screenreader in their mother tongue .

Currently dhvani is capable of generating intelligible speech for the following Indian Languages .
  1. Bengali
  2. Gujarati
  3. Hindi
  4. Kannada
  5. Malayalam
  6. Marathi
  7. Oriya
  8. Panjabi
  9. Tamil
  10. Telugu
  11. Pashto (experimental)
Dhvani Project is in development stage and the downloads are not stable as of now. We require more developers from the corresponding languages for further improvement. Integration with the GNOME/KDE desktop is planned so that it can work with screenreaders
Dhvani works in GNU/Linux platforms as of now. Volunteers are required to port it to windows.
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